Finance for Non-Financiers

07 Nov 2012
Last Apply: 01 Nov
3 Tam Gün

About The Training

All of the decisions taken in the management process of each company are also reflected in the financial results. The decisions taken by the managers who are not directly related to the financial practices and the practices they make definitely have financial consequences. In this context, it is very important for every manager to know in advance how his decision will affect the financial statements of the company. For this reason, it is very necessary for everyone in the management level to have basic knowledge about finance.

With the Finance Training for Non-Financiers, participants will discuss how to interpret, analyze and apply the tables in which financial transactions are reflected; Although it is not directly related to financial management, it is aimed to improve the financial literacy of each manager and to observe holistically the place of their movements in their own field decisions that will be reflected in the results of the company in the financial statements. The financial training, which is aimed at improving the financial competencies of each manager in the light of the information to be conveyed through the theoretical information, case studies, and real life examples, consists of 3 full days. A minimum of 2 days attendance is required for the certificate of participation.

Training Content

a. General Information about Accounting and Financial Statements:

  • Function and structure of accounting
  • The periodicity principle and the accrual concept
  • Income & expense recognition
  • Deferred income
  • Accrued income and expenses
  • Prepaid expense
  • The precautionary principle and the concept of reciprocity
  • Operating expenditures and capital expenditures (Opex vs Capex)
  • Provision and its importance

b. Definitions, Purposes and Functions of Financial Statements

  • Balance sheet, technical structure, Working Capital
  • Income Statement, Fixed and Variable Costs/Expenses

c. Cash Flow Statement

d. Financial Analysis (Summary)

  • Non-mathematical models
  • SWOT Analysis
  • mathematical models
  • Ratio Analysis (Summary)
  • Liquidity analysis
  • Financial Structure ratios
  • Activity rates
  • Profitability rates

e. Key Performance Indicators (KPI's)


*Certificate of participation will be shared in digital format after the training.

Who can Join?

Those who do not have a financial background and want to have knowledge and skills about financial issues.

08 December 2012 | 10:00 - 17:00
To be announced.
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